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With Thanks I Give

With thanks we are able to bless and be a blessing this moment in time.  We are reminded in these days of the year, that giving. When we give of ourselves we get something in return. We get more for and from the act of gifts and gift giving because it’s the ultimate display of love. It’s the ultimate expression for everyone involved. We tend to celebrate many things this point in the year. Including the birth of Jesus and traditions associated with fall and winter weather, we celebrate the lives of one another. We appreciate one another a little bit more, especially when we answer one another’s need or needs. We give more and greater when we attempt to answer the personal need of our fellow man. It displays the love, a unique love; the love of Christ and what it means to be thankful and give thanks in and on this thanksgiving holiday. Give thanks to the Lord for he is good. His mercy endures forever.

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